Smile Stories

Amy came to our office during a difficult time in her life. She was 34, facing a divorce, and coping with life as a single mother of two young children. Her self-confidence and self-esteem were very much affected by not only what was happening in her personal life but also by her smile. She felt that she needed to hide her teeth due to the visible decay and discoloration from old bonding. After repairing and restoring her smile with porcelain veneers, Amy had discovered a sudden boost in self-confidence. Her new beautiful smile and increase in self-esteem resulted in Amy’s ability to move forward in both her personal and professional life.

Deb, 58, always wanted a “perfect” smile. She felt as though her teeth made her look older and wanted a more youthful appearance. Her teeth made her feel self-conscious, and she thought a beautiful new smile would boost her self-esteem. Using both crowns and veneers, Deb had a full smile makeover. When handed the mirror afterward, she began to cry and believed her outward appearance finally matched how she felt inside.

Deirdre, 37, always felt as though her smile made her look like an adolescent. With her sister’s wedding approaching, she found a new motivation to improve her smile. Deirdre wanted a more sophisticated appearance for the wedding photos. With six porcelain veneers, we were able to give her the smile she always wanted.

Frank’s career involves close interactions with people on a daily basis. Over the years his teeth deteriorated—several were missing and those that remained were badly broken down. Frank was hesitant to have his teeth fixed because of unpleasant dental experiences in the past. He had always chosen to have the teeth that were broken and decayed extracted instead of having them repaired. After a great deal of consideration, Frank chose to have his smile restored. As a result, we were able to give him back his beautiful and youthful smile. He had both upper and lower teeth restored with fillings, bridges, crowns, and veneers.

Rosanna, who held a position working with the public, was not pleased with the appearance of her front teeth. Her teeth appeared uneven when she smiled, and she wanted them to be both whiter and straighter. We were able to give Rosanna the smile she wanted by replacing her old restorations with two porcelain veneers, two porcelain crowns, and a whitening procedure.